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CAE Practice Test 9  Paper 1 - Reading and Use of English

31. What is the purpose of the opening paragraph?                                 Practice Test 9

       A. to warn people of the dangers of solo travel
       B. to persuade people that the writer is courageous
       C. to express the writer’s passion for travel
       D. to illustrate how much the writer enjoys meeting new people

32. How do people react when the writer tells them she is going to travel alone?

       A. They are initially quite supportive.
       B. They experience a range of emotions.
       C. They continue to refuse to accept her plans.
       D. They usually want to join her.

33. The writer believes that by travelling alone she has generally become

       A. more resourceful.
       B. more intelligent.
       C. more artistic.
       D. healthier.

34. What does the writer warn against?

       A. drinking alone
       B. spending too much on accommodation
       C. relying on other people
       D. not packing enough clothes

35. How did the writer feel about the train journey?

       A. It was slightly too far to have travelled.
       B. The cold weather spoiled it.
       C. She was disappointed that she couldn’t get a comfortable seat.
       D. It was full of unexpected surprises.

36. From this article, we can conclude that the writer

       A. has never travelled with other people.
       B. always travels to the same area.
       C. is an unsociable person on the whole.
       D. is self-sufficient and adaptable.

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